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Educate - Inspire - Protect

Living Oceans Education is dedicated to advancing academic growth and environmental awareness among Hong Kong students to help promote sustainable living with conservation of species and habitats in this urban and natural environment.

Living Oceans Education aims to create an awareness and understanding of our marine and coastal environment to promote the importance of knowing, preserving and conserving our oceans ecosystems. Inspiring students to become better guardians of our oceans and the environment with growing awareness of the conservation efforts around them.

Founder & Marine Biologist

Working as a marine biologist for Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ocean Futures Society I have spent the last 15 years exploring our global oceans, understanding the critical connections between humans and nature, educating and inspiring people around the World to act responsibly for its protection.  


I founded Living Oceans Education to enable me to share my knowledge, passion and experience with all people, both children and adults, to allow them to discover, connect and be inspired by the wonders of nature and help them to fall in love with our living oceans in order to protect them for future generations.


Living Oceans Education's marine enrichment programs will introduce primary & secondary students to the fascinating and diverse habitats and creatures that exist in our oceans, in particular the natural wonders of coral reefs, one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on our Planet, highlighting the threats that face them and the importance of conservation.


Why we need to Education, Inspire & Protect


Wherever we are and whatever we do in any part of the World we could be affecting the delicate balance of life in our oceans. We eat fish and seafood from the ocean and the rain and rivers wash our litter, fertilisers, pesticides and factory waste into the ocean where it pollutes and kills marine life. It may be surprising to discover that the oceans affects us as well. Oceans supply food, jobs and recreation. They enable ships to transport the produce from farms and industry to far-away countries. Oceans influence the climate and temperature of our Planet. Our survival is dependent on a healthy ocean System.


I hope that these marine education programs will open eager young eyes to the unusual ocean environment with its salty water, waves, currents and tides. It will introduce them to a variety of wonderful marine animals and plants and help them fall in love with our living oceans.


Life in Our Oceans 

An After School Enrichment Program

for Schools


School Field Trips

Snorkel -Mangroves - Beach

Intensive CAS 5-9 day

School Programs



Tailor made lessons
& workshops


Private Field Trips

Snorkel -Mangroves - Beach

Holiday Programs 2024

Why Living Oceans Education is right for your child

“Estelle is an exceptional educator. She is always in good spirits and that quality is infectious, particularly when it comes to getting timid kids and adults to enjoy the wonders of the coral reefs. I am confident that she will greatly enrich your child’s love of the Oceans”

Jean-Michel Cousteau

Son of Jacques Cousteau

“Estelle is one of the most knowledgeable, articulate and “presentable” naturalists I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She is energetic, enthusiastic, quick to laugh, consistently positive and always a pleasure to work with. The reviews from her students, their teachers, and their parents have been consistently glowing, I cannot recommend Estelle more highly and I am positive anyone who participates in one of her programs will enjoy and be enriched by the experience”

Dr. R. Murphy

Director of Science and Education for Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ocean Futures Society

Laura Leulier

 "Working with Estelle under Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ambassadors of the Environment program I learnt so much from her. Estelle introduces us to a world we didn't know we were missing. After a decade of exploring the world's marine ecosystems, Estelle has a wealth of knowledge to share and the power of inspiration we need to get the next generation to fall in love with and protect the sea, just as Jacques Cousteau would have wanted"


Naturalist for Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ocean Futures Society

“I was impressed by Estelle's teaching style, her enthusiasm is infectious and she clearly knows her craft. Not only did it inspire my students to further investigate marine biology but it also had an impact on us, the teachers and made us more aware of the environment and our surroundings in Hong Kong. I would thoroughly recommend Estelle's programme not just for schools but for everyone, everyone needs to hear more about her work"

Miss Watts, Kindergarten Teacher, Hong Kong

“Estelle captivated the children in Year 2 with her in depth and engaging presentation on the ocean habitat. Prior to the visit, Estelle ensured her presentation was suited to the needs of the classes through clear communication with me. She was well prepared and her enthusiastic nature ensured the children were inspired to take action. I cannot recommend Estelle enough for your school. Her knowledge and understanding of life in the ocean is second to none”.


Ms Reid, Head of Year 2 Teacher at Victoria Shanghai Academy, HK

Estelle gave an extremely enthusiastic and informative presentation to our Year 4 children on marine life and the ecosystems that exist. The children were motivated by her talk and the engaging task/ game they completed afterwards. Estelle had ensured the content was relevant to what they were leaning in their IPC unit and they were able to put knowledge they had learned into answering and asking questions. I would highly recommend her to any school.

 Mrs Marsden, Year 4 Teacher at  French International School, HK.

"Estelle's organisation, knowledge and passion was clearly evident when planning workshops for our 150 Year 5 students on Eco-systems. Prior to her visit Estelle was committed to planning a workshop that catered to our needs through excellent communication. On the day, her excellent rapport with the students and enthusiastic manner resulted in them not only being more knowledgeable but, more importantly, wanting to take action themselves. I highly recommend Estelle's programme for all ages." 

Ms Welner, Year 5 Teacher at Sha Tin Junior School, HK

“Our group of 60 Year 5 students were totally enthralled by Estelle’s fascinating presentation featuring her beautiful photographs and extensive first hand knowledge of how ocean ecosystems work.  The subsequent activities which Estelle ran were fun and relevant to the student’s inquiries, leaving them feeling inspired. Estelle had tailor made her presentation and the activities in response to the student questions I had shared with her prior to the visit. She ensured that her visit would extend student understanding through engaging and age appropriate content”

Ms Lavery, Year 5 Teacher at Glenealy School, HK

“Estelle contacted our school to offer her experience. I quickly contacted her, as her area of expertise perfectly suited our next topic. She was fantastic with the children, encouraging them to ask questions and enthusiastically sharing her knowledge with them. They had a fantastic time at the Mangroves exploring and learning about the ecosystems which thrive there. She was also excellent leading up to the trip, supporting me in organising transport and planning for the children’s needs (all 48 of them!). Thank-you Estelle, it was a fantastic day!”

Mrs Harris, Year 2 Teacher at Anfield International School, HK

Estelle is extremely knowledgeable and her enthusiasm for living oceans is catching. Our grade two students were captivated by her presentation. We so appreciated her flexibility and willingness to work with our schedule. Our grade two team will definitely be contacting her next year to further enhance our science program!


Mrs Nguyen, Grade 2 Teacher at Hong Kong International School

"Thanks for all you have done with my two. I can attest to how much you have inspired them both - lovely random facts pop up when you least expect it- about the coral triangle, and various fish that make the reefs their homes. They have both become a lot more aware of sustainability & the effects modern day lifestyles have on ocean health & have both become proactive so a huge thank you from me for inspiring them both so much.  All the best with living oceans it's a great course!

Parent of Year 5 & Year 7 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’

“Estelle is a enthusiastic teacher and always answers everyones questions with descriptive details and interesting facts.  In lessons we use creative resources & colourful photos to help our learning.  My favourite part of this ECA was the fun trivia and games and also visiting a local coral reef and able to snorkel and explore. I loved being able to dive deep and swim in clear water in Hong Kong.  I wish I could do it all again!”


Year 6 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’ - Discovery Bay International School

“Hannah really enjoys her Marine Biology class with Ms. Estelle and she gets very excited and shows me what she has learnt every Tuesday when we arrive home.  Hannah is fascinated about nature in the ocean and thank you Ms Estelle for bringing such an interesting and amazing introduction to my child’s knowledge.  Hannah absolutely loved the field trip and she can’t wait to go again” 

Parent of Year 5 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’

There is a lot of marine wildlife in Hong Kong, but people don’t notice it.  To make the world have a better wildlife environment, people have to be educated about it. That’s what we learn in Estelle’s class. "To protect it you must love it,  To love it you must know about it, To know about it you must be EDUCATED!“ Thank you Estelle for teaching us about these wonderful
marine creatures! 

Year 6 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’  - Peak School

“One of the most important lessons a child can learn is about they can make an impact.  The Life in Our Oceans class teaches children practical steps towards conservation and instils a love of nature. My son looks forward to this class each week.” 

Parent of Year 4 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’

“I love learning about sea creatures with the other students. I like Ms. Estelle because she makes learning fun. I like that we don't just do book learning. We also do fun activities in class and field trips to the ocean” 

Year 4 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’  - Hong Kong International Learning Academy

“For a nature loving person like my daughter, Estelle's Living Oceans class is a dream come true.  It combines her love of nature with her curiosity for all living things.  Estelle's enthusiastic teaching style really resonates with the children who in turn are so eager to share and educate their parents and friends!  Estelle's class is so relevant to the world we are living in today.  Her message of hope and conservation is really inspirational. And of course, the field trip to the local Hong Kong coral reef is always a HUGE hit!”

Parent of Year 6 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’  - Peak School

“We have seen a real interest in sea animals develop in our daughter after joining Estelle’s classes. The biggest change is seeing our daughter spontaneously share bizarre and funny insights about the sea world that she picked up from Estelle’s classes”

Parent of Year 5 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’ 

“I enjoy my classes with Estelle and every week I  learn something new and I always remember it.  Estelle really inspires me, how she really cares for our marine animals and she makes me want to study more about marine animals.  And the felid trips are the best part, the last field trip we had was when we went snorkelling and I saw a RAY!”

Year 5 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’  - Peak School

Estelle’s Marine Biology Education Program is unique in HK.  Living on a subtropical island like HK ALL children should be educated about Marine Life, where & how to explore it and very important: how each of them could try to protect it?   Estelle’s huge experience in working around the globe as a Marine Biologist brings a very praxis-oriented classes and fits best into the school’s curriculum.  Combined with her excellent education in Marine Sciences and her contagious enthusiasm about the life in the oceans, makes it a perfect enrichment program  for all (not yet) Oceans addicted students! 

Parent of Year 6 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’ 

“Charles loves learning about marine biology in his "Life in our Oceans" class. He's always keen to attend every class and comes out of each class enthusiastically telling me about what he has just learned. I also like the fact that his fellow students seem similarly enthused and engaged with what they are learning. I've seen a growing interest, knowledge and sense of responsibility in Charles about the ocean and our environment in general, as a result of what he has learned. As a parent it is great to see that joy in learning and the progress that comes with it. 

Parent of Year 4 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’ 

“Estelle’s classes are fantastic. They also include field trips where we learn a lot and have so much fun!! And my most favourite experience is kissing a sea cucumber, because if you kiss a sea cucumber, you get good luck for seven years. Estelle told me!” 

Year 5 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’  - Peak School

Year 4 student of ECA ‘Life in Our Oceans’  Hong Kong International Learning Academy

“I like my Ocean class because it made me realise that I am not doing enough for my ocean. We have fun in ways that help us learn about our ocean.  We learn about all the different species of fish” 

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